There are strong and proven links between student attendance and educational achievement. We are committed to working in partnership with Brighton & Hove City Council to reduce overall absence and persistent absence. The school supports Brighton and Hove City Council’s Every Lesson Counts initiative and strives to ensure all staff, students, parents and carers place a high value on school attendance. We are committed to actively promoting Early Help and promoting multi-agency support for vulnerable children and their families.
When your child attends school punctually and on a regular basis, they take an important step towards reaching their full potential, and are given the greatest opportunity to learn new things and develop their skills. Regular attenders usually leave school with more qualifications and access to greater employment opportunities. When pupils apply for college placements or apply for employment, the school will be asked for a reference which includes a history of pupil’s attendance and punctuality. If this is poor it could affect their ability to find employment or a college placement.
Brighton and Hove City Council’s Every Lesson Counts initiative aims to raise awareness of the importance of regular attendance, helping schools, parents and children to implement simple working practices to reduce absenteeism.
The COVID 19 Attendance Protocols for students and families 2020 is available below. This protocol states when it is not acceptable for students to attend school during the COVID 19 pandemic and goes on to outline what school will do and what parents/carers should do if their child or someone in their household is symptomatic.