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Extra-Curricular Activities

Blatchington Mill School boasts a fantastic variety of extra-curricular activities for students to benefit from. Our combination of lunch time and after school activities offer something for everyone to be involved with: from wide-ranging sports activities, through to Arts, Drama and Music clubs.

Please click here for a copy of the current activity timetable. These are the clubs that will be starting the week of 23.09.24. Please note that this document is subject to change and more clubs will be added as the half term progresses. 


If you have any general questions about the extra-curricular programme, please contact Mr Mowforth at

Extra-Curricular Music

Please click here for a copy of our current music timetable.  If you have any questions regarding our music clubs, please contact Mrs Denman at

Music Lessons

Please find information about the Brighton & Hove Music & Arts service below. (Click to enlarge the flyers)

BHMA Magic of Music Flyer Page 1 BHMA Magic of Music Flyer Page 2

 Find out more here [pdf]


Drama Classes

Are you interested in performing and making theatre? Do you want to work with highly trained industry professionals in a friendly and collaborative space?

The Third Space Theatre group run a weekly after school drama club at Blatchington Mill (Click to enlarge the flyer)

Third Space Theatre 1

Drama Club

Thursdays, 6pm - 8pm in the Drama Hut - Year 8+

We work with a variety of internationally celebrated scripts and playwrights; we also have the opportunity to create original productions and do public performances at the Brighton Fringe, Brighton Festival, and the BOAT.

You can gain invaluable experience working on productions from start to finish, including experience working behind the scenes, technical production, directing, and script writing, as you work towards industry-standard productions.

All Blatchington Mill students automatically get a discount; we have a concession rate for low-income families and FREE places for any young people in receipt of income-based free school meals.

If this time doesn't work for you, we have clubs for all ages, from 6 to 25 years old, on most days of the week.

Stage Combat Club

Saturdays, 3.45pm - 5.15pm - Age 10–18
Learn armed and unarmed stage fighting with a qualified tutor. Perform in shows and learn to use different weaponry! Free trials are available.

If you'd like a FREE trial, please email us with the details below to:, check out our website for more information, or call 07784 589 244.