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Exam Dates and Timetables

PE Boy on climbing wall 6 JPZ 1459 XL Classroom Boy with hand up3 Library Boy with book 1 Art Group of girls 4

 Summer 2025 Examinations 

A contingency date, is a day specifically set aside, should sustained, national or local disruption arise during the June 2025 examination series. If disruption happens, the examinations would be taken either for the first time or again on these days.

Therefore, students must remain available on the afternoons of Wednesday 11 June and up to and including Wednesday 25 June 2025.

Any holiday must not be booked until after this date, should an awarding body need to invoke its contingency plan.


GCSE Timetables

Overview timetable of the main Y11 GCSE exams 2025:

Individual student timetables will be published to Y11 students in March 2025. Students will also receive an updated timetable by the end of April 2025 to reflect any changes.

It is important that students look at the most recent version of their timetable for the specific start times/locations for their exams.


Exam Start Times

MORNING exams start at 9.00am
AFTERNOON exams start at 1.00pm

Students should arrive at least 15 minutes before the exam start time.


Exam Clashes

A “clash” means that you have multiple exams timetabled on the same day at the same time. In this case one of your exams will be moved to an earlier or later time, and you will receive an amended timetable. For more information about what will happen on the day please read the Clash Information document below.

Clash Information