Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Our Philosophy
The whole school community constantly works toward developing a welcoming environment for all students including those with SEN and disabilities. We strive to include all students where possible in all aspects of school life. Blatchington Mill is an inclusive school and we believe that inclusion enriches all.
We believe that:
- All students have an entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum.
- All students should be encouraged, valued and accepted whatever their individual need.
- Every teacher is a teacher of special educational needs and should recognise diversity and adopt a supportive approach to all students.
- The classroom teacher has primary responsibility for providing all students with access to the curriculum.
- All teachers should ensure that, by differentiating their planning and teaching, there are suitable learning challenges for all. Teachers should attempt to overcome potential barriers to learning.
- Parents/carers have a valuable contribution to make towards their child’s development and learning.
Useful links:
SEN Policy - Brighton and Hove local offer:
SEN Code of Practice 2014:
SEND Code of Practice January 2015 [pdf]
Blatchington Mill School Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy:
See our School Policies Page.
Blatchington Mill School Reports:
Special Educational Needs Information Report - updated June 2024