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Peter Kyle MP Visits Blatch

PK 4

We welcomed local Labour MP Peter Kyle to Blatch in December. He gave a really engaging talk to a group of Year 8 students on the experiences that shaped his educational journey, how he came to be an MP and what his role involves. He captivated our students with real-life examples and encouraged them to consider what they might aspire to do in their lives.

PK 3

He was then greeted by Blatch’s ‘Mental Health Champions', a group of students who have been selected to use their voices to champion the importance of mental health amongst students. They were really excited to show Peter their new ‘Cloud Room', a safe space for students to take time out in. Peter was impressed by the school's commitment to prioritising mental health and recognised the importance of providing students with a dedicated space to unwind and recharge. He commended the students for their efforts in promoting student well-being.

PK 5

Headteacher Kate Claydon said, ‘We were delighted to welcome our local MP Peter Kyle to Blatch today to talk to different groups of our students about topics that really matter to them. We are incredibly proud of our students who have used their voices to create tangible change within our school community for the benefit of others and it was wonderful for the positive impact of their hard work to be recognised by Peter.’

PK 6