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Olympic Park Hockey Trip

Some of our Blatch hockey teams had an amazing experience with a trip to Lee Valley, Olympic Park in London to see the England Women and Men’s hockey teams.

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One of the students that went on the trip had this to say:

“We went for a hockey trip to see two England matches, one men and one women. We had great seats and it was amazing to watch the games in play. It was a great experience and has inspired us to all play more hockey in the hope of being like the GB teams one day! There were also some great stands and hockey experiences to try out.

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My favourite part was when the England women won! It was so fun and there was so much skill in the players! It was a really close match that had us all on the edge of our seats, at one point it looked like we might not win but with two minutes to go we scored the winning goal! At one point we even started a chant!
One of the best things about the trip was that we got to meet some of the England Women’s team, and had our photos with them.

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It was such a fun evening and whether you play hockey or not it was an amazing experience for all ages!”

Anna, Year 7