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GCSE Results 2020

“We write jointly to celebrate the hard work and resilience of Year 11 students, as well as the professionalism of teachers and leaders across the city on this most unusual of exam result days. Grades have been issued to students not on the basis of exam performance but on the professional opinion and expertise of school staff. Staff have shown great integrity in issuing grades that they felt reflected the hard work and endeavour shown by students and all grades were carefully considered. Students have coped with huge disruption to their learning, and the uncertainty over how they would be issued grades and what their progression to Post 16 study would involve. It is not a day to celebrate the successes of individual schools, it is a day to celebrate the hard work, talent and skill of all of our Year 11 students, and all of our school staff. We are collectively proud of our students, and proud of our staff.”

Brighton & Hove Secondary Headteachers