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Brighton and Hove City Youth Council

Ruby and Akisha

Congratulations to our Year 8 students Ruby and Akisha who have been selected to sit on the Brighton and Hove City Youth Council. They have already met with John Lewry - Lead Youth Participation Worker who came to meet them at Blatch for an introduction to their role.

Council Group2

During their time on the Council they will have a chance to support ongoing campaign work including:

Council Group Work

As the year goes on, the Youth Council will be welcoming new members and reviewing some of their internal systems such as their Constitution, their website/online presence, groups that aren’t represented and meeting schedules and locations.

From January 2024 the Youth Council will have recruited everyone that will be part of the cohort for two years and will move into the formal two year programme. The first eight months of this will include:

We're very proud to have Ruby and Akisha representing our school and we look forward to following their progress during this exciting venture.