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Abducted from Normality: An Anthology

Blatchington Mill's English department is delighted to present 'Abducted from Normality: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry from Students and English Staff of Blatchington Mill School'.

The idea for the anthology developed after the English team set a creative writing task for students that involved writing the opening of a short story, or a description of the view from the living room window. The creative responses to this task were so brilliant that Ms Ewbank suggested compiling a selection into an anthology.

Mr Breckenridge, Head of English, said: 'Writing creatively in response to the lockdown has provided a space to voice the anxieties many of us felt at the time and are still feeling, and I hope that by ordering them on the page, it provides a degree of comfort and optimism for readers and writers alike. It is pleasing to see recognition of the role of NHS workers in several pieces, and the way the themes of nature, family and community are thoughtfully explored. I wonder how we will feel rereading this anthology in five, ten or twenty year’s time.'

We're so proud of the work featured in the anthology and welcome you to read it below!